Hojieva Sarvinoz Boboevna (born in 1964)

In 1983 she graduated from the Republican Art School named after M. Olimov in Dushanbe. Since 2001, she is the Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Tajikistan, art critic. Since 1983, she has been working in the Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. She is the author and presenter of TV programs ‘Do it with us, do it yourself’, ‘13 secrets’, ‘Silhouette’; senior editor of the creative group ‘Parastu’. She participated in developing designs of several capital magazines ‘Chashma’, ‘Mashal’, ‘Istiqbol’, ‘Zanoni Tojikiston’, ‘Firuza’.

Hojieva Sarvinoz Boboevna (born in 1964)
Art work

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